Posts Tagged: brand ambassador

planning your first ironman jennifer lucas 3

Planning Your First Ironman
// Jennifer Lucas // #3

Planning your first Ironman So, you’ve decided you want to do an Ironman. Congratulations! Welcome to the swim-bike-run rabbit hole – feel free to don your favourite bike helmet and dive on in. But seriously, deciding to sign yourself up for an iron distance triathlon is the start of an epic adventure. From hitting the … Read more …

total bike forever mandalay to bangkok 10

Total Bike Forever
// Mandalay to Bangkok // #10

Mandalay to Bangkok Check out our youtube channel here: Follow our adventure here: Hello and welcome to another edition of Total Bike Forever. Here’s a look at this month’s shenanigans. We kicked off the latest part of our trip with a little boat ride from Mandalay to Bagan with our bikes in tow. … Read more …

the off season is here nicole pugson

The Off-Season Is Here
// Nicole Pugson

I can’t quite believe that I’m typing the words ‘off season’ already. Where has this year gone? For many of us, our race season started back in May (even earlier in March if you’re into that duathlon malarky…). So for five straight months we have put the pedal down both in training and our chosen … Read more …

riding in africa ashley oldfield

Riding In Africa
// Ashley Oldfield

Riding in Africa Living in Africa, there’s a common misconception that wild animals are free to roam through our gardens and dodging wildlife on the way to work is a daily occurrence. Most seasoned travellers know better by now, but I still get asked those odd questions from time to time. No, the wildlife isn’t … Read more …

jennifer lucas 2019 race planning

Jennifer Lucas
// 2019 Race Planning

2019 Race Planning So there I was, making my way around the halfway buoy during the swim portion of Ironman Copenhagen with cartoon stars whizzing around my head after a good old-fashioned kick to the face from someone who’d spontaneously started doing breaststroke right in front of me. A sensible, rational human being would probably … Read more …

total bike forever dushanbe to bishkek 7

Total Bike Forever
// Dushanbe To Bishkek // #7

Dushanbe To Bishkek Follow us here: Check out our progress here: If there’s one word to describe the last month there can only really be one – Mountainous. We had been looking forward to reaching the dizzy heights of Tajikistan and making music on ‘the roof of the world’ as the locals call … Read more …

total bike forever baku to dushanbe 6

Total Bike Forever
// Baku To Dushanbe // #6

Baku – Dushanbe Follow us here: Check out our progress here: This month we’ve been getting acquainted with Central Asia: A completely new part of the world to us. So buckle up for the ride, here’s what went down… They say patience is a virtue and we put this to the test during the first … Read more …

adventure ireland luke taylor

Adventure Ireland
// Luke Taylor

So, the year is over halfway through and I felt the urge to cycle some new roads and #adventuremore. An itch needed scratching! My cycling homie Laurence and I decided to jump ship, well ferry in this case and headed to Ireland. We had a super early start and a long cycle to the ferry … Read more …

total bike forever istanbul to baku

Total Bike Forever
// Istanbul To Baku // #5

Istanbul to Baku Follow us here: Check out our progress here: With the sounds of our festival-set still ringing in our ears, we hot-footed it back to Istanbul, ready to crack on into the heart of Turkey. Having read and heard many great things about this magical land it was time to see what the … Read more …

tirana to istanbul total bike forever

Tirana To Istanbul
// Total Bike Forever // #4

Tirana to Istanbul Follow us here: Check our progress here: If our first two months on the road were all about finding our feet, then month three has seen us wiggling our musical toes in a big way. What a month it’s been! Starting with our first gig in Macedonia to putting out the floor-fillers … Read more …

riding in mallorca ashley oldfield

Riding in Mallorca
// Ashley Oldfield // #2

Riding in Mallorca   I do a fair amount of overseas travel for work every year, but it’s never the type of travel where I can settle in, take in the sights and get a feel for a new place. It’s high-paced. I’ll fly for anywhere from 8 to 16 hours to get to Europe … Read more …

luke taylor season change

Luke Taylor
// Season Change // #2

Defeating Winter As we all know, Winter SUCKS! Getting through it is the hard part and all we do is look to Summer and hope that all our Winter training will have paid off. From using all of the various training platforms that are out there, to trying different riding genres, to braving the conditions … Read more …

gearing up for race season nicole pugson 5

Gearing Up For Race Season
// Nicole Pugson // #5

Gearing up for Race Season  And just like that almost four months of the year have disappeared! Race season is fast approaching so I thought I would share some of my experiences, training, tips and tricks before the races kick off. It’s been a long winter and for most of us we’ve been turning down … Read more …

rudy testa fighting back fitness 2

Rudy Testa
// Fighting Back To Fitness // #2

Fighting back to fitness – an endurance cyclist’s guide to recovery post operation Chronology of a 13kg weight gain (and loss?): June 2016 I finally came back to Belgium after a one-month bikepacking trip in Italy. 70 kg and well-trained after riding middle to long distances almost every day. A few months before leaving Belgium, … Read more …

a race report by nicole deva triathlon

A Race Report By Nicole
// Deva Triathlon // Chester // 2017

Deva Triathlon 2017 Of all the races I have both taken part in or volunteered in, I have never seen an event so seamlessly executed. Chester Triathlon Club truly out did themselves with their organisation, the goody bags and rounding up a stellar amount of support from the locals. I knew this race would exceed … Read more …