Stolen Goat cycling life & business bleatings

andy gorman cycling

Route to 360

360 Miles on a bike in 36 hours? Follow SG’s Andy on his journey back to fitness as he aims at a challenging ultra experience in Norfolk. After a couple of years where cycling has taken a bit of a back seat, I wanted to enter 2025 with a  plan. To give myself something to … Read more …

Cairngorms cycling trip

Finding some freedom in the Cairngorms

I’m going to come right out and say it – for the longest time I have felt like a bit of a fraud. Not that I’m deliberately fooling anybody of course, it’s just that at its core Stolen Goat is all about a sense of freedom. A passion to get out there and cycle in … Read more …

September Competition – Roll With Bob

Stolen Goat is proud to be the jersey sponsor for “Roll with Bob Roll” – a unique one-of-a-kind cycling event in Moab, UT USA where participants get to learn from top professionals in the cycling industry AND get to hear from the American cycling legend and long-time Tour de France commentator, Bob Roll. The event … Read more …

Stolen Goat Spring / Summer Launch Timeline

If you’ve been part of The Herd for a while then you will be fully aware that this time of year is when we launch our new range for the coming season. Well this year is a little bit different. Have no fear there is plenty of brand new stuff coming (and I do mean … Read more …

winter cycling jacket tights and neckwarmer on a snowy backdrop with red gift ribbon over the top

Christmas Gift Guide

Our Christmas gift guide for cyclists is full of ideas that will help them to make the most of their time out on two wheels.

Group of cyclists riding along a flat road

How to break through a training plateau

Hit a plateau in your training and struggling to make progress? We’ve got you, Goat! Read on to find out why plateaus happen and how you can break through to start hitting those personal bests again.

Group of cyclists laughing

You know you’re a cyclist when…

Navigating by your favourite café stops rather than place names. Having an overly extensive knowledge of the long range weather forecast. Almost smashing your phone because you’ve forgotten that – for once – you’re not wearing cycling kit and you’ve tried to stick it in a (non-existent) rear jersey pocket. Sound familiar?

Woman on a gravel bike wearing maroon gravel jersey

Three reasons to give gravel a go

Gravel is growing! And with more riders than ever choosing to swap the tarmac for the trails, we asked The Herd what it is about gravel riding that gets their hooves tapping and explored a few of the reasons you might want to give gravel a go. We feel an N+1 moment might be on the horizon…

Women’s Cycle Racing | Tails From The Herd

We talk all things women’s bike racing with Liv and Lauren from the Stolen Goat Race Team: From their tips and insights on how to get into racing, to the current participation levels for women’s cycle racing in the UK and the importance of media coverage.

Top picks from the Stolen Goat summer sale!

Our summer sale has landed, and with up to 50% off some of our bestselling kit – now is the perfect time to treat yourself to a bit of #NewKitDay joy! Check out some of our top picks for a bit of shopping inspiration.

Stolen Goat Managing Director Andy along with Brand Ambassador Luke Taylor at the start line of the 2023 Chase The Sun North ride

Tails from The Herd: Andy rides Chase The Sun

From the TransAtlanticWay to Chase The Sun: We caught up with Andy from SG HQ to find out what it is about endurance riding that keeps him coming back for more, and to get his insights on how the Chase The Sun 2023 North ride unfolded. Read on to find out if he made it to the finish before sunset!

On the go oat balls | Fuel your adventures

Quick to make, easy to carry and perfectly bite-sized for gobbling on the go – these small but mighty chocolate and peanut butter oat balls will keep your energy levels high from start to finish on your next adventure.

How to train for your first century ride | Tails from The Herd

A century ride is a milestone many cyclists aspire to achieve – but knowing how to get started with the training can be tricky. We caught up with first-time century rider, Leonie, and her cycling coach to get all the tips you need to give you the confidence to go the distance.

Group of cyclists cycling in Spain

How to prepare for your first training camp

Whether you’re heading off on a training camp or escaping the unpredictable British summer for a cycling trip somewhere reliably sunny. Taking your cycling adventures overseas is a great way to explore new places and get away from the everyday routine, without having to miss out on time in the saddle. But getting ready for … Read more …

Woman wearing Onna cycling jersey

Behind the design: Onna

If you’ve been part of The Herd for a while, you might have noticed a clear Japanese art-inspired influence in some of our kit. We caught up with Trevor to find out where his passion for Japanese art came from, how he turns inspiration into artwork and why the process of creating a jersey design can often have him feeling like a tattoo artist!

Mark and Mike Neck with their medals after finishing Tri Cheddar

Giving tri a try: Mark races Tri Cheddar

Back in March our Senior Product Developer Mark took on his first ever triathlon! Find out how he got on and get ready to feel inspired to hit that ‘enter now’ button if you’ve been thinking about giving Tri a try!

Woman wearing Stolen Goat blue running vest and charcoal running shorts standing in a gym

Could cross training make you a stronger cyclist?

Hit a plateau and struggling to make improvements on the bike? From boosting your power and endurance to injury prevention: mixing up your routine off the bike can be the not-so-secret sauce that will help to take your performance to the next level.

Woman wearing Stolen Goat Giants jersey

How to cope with pre-race nerves

Got a race coming up and struggling to keep your pre-race nerves in check? Check out these tips to help you stay calm, feel in control and get the most out of race day.

Cyclists in Stolen Goat Race Team kit riding in a pack

Cycling and triathlon training tips

Looking to take your cycling or triathlon training to the next level? Check out some of our top training tips articles! Here to help you optimise your training and improve your performance so you can get that new personal best in the bag.

man and woman in Stolen Goat vortex swim wear standing at the side of the lake, the woman is pointing out something in the water to the man

Top Tips for Your First Lake Swim

Considering giving lake swimming a go, but feeling a bit nervous about dipping a toe in the water? Check out our top tips for your first lake swim!

Woman wearing blue and orange print Strutter jersey riding her bike

March Bestsellers

Whether you’re after cycling kit, running gear, swimwear or a new tri suit to get race day ready. Check out what the rest of the Stolen Goat Herd have been loving for a bit of inspiration!

man wearing jaffa jersey on a bike, resting at the top of a hill looking at the view out to sea

Signature stripes: the spring cycling wardrobe staple

Striped cycling kit: classic? Yes. But, boring? Not in this Herd! Our collection of striped road cycling jerseys and accessories bring a bit of signature Stolen Goat flair to this cyclists’ staple. Check out our range of signature stripes and get ready to ride out in style this spring. 

Woman eating candyfloss at the beach wearing the pink stripe Arcadia jersey

Stolen Goat Spring Cycling Collection – Out Now!

The days are getting longer, the temperatures are finally getting a touch warmer… and we’ve just added some incredible fresh styles and new lines to our Spring collection! Explore the Spring Cycling Collection…

Ophelie Saussus wearing Stolen Goat Stinger tri suit

Top tips for your first triathlon

Taking on your first triathlon this season? With race season right around the corner, we share some top tips to help you beat the race day nerves and make the most of your time out on the course.

Woman in foreground wearing Sliver Alpine jacket smiling, man in background also wearing Sliver jacket looking at the view

Four secret cycling kit weapons to get you through the cold snap

Well, spring might not have quite erm… sprung, yet! But thankfully we’ve got the kit you need to make it through the cold snap. Today we’re sharing the four secret weapons to add to your winter cycling armour that’ll take you from ‘pretty cosy’ to ‘totally toasty’. Bring it on Mother Nature!

Woman and man running along a promenade next to beach huts wearing Stolen Goat running kit

How to get your fitness goals back on track

After the 5,698 days of January… February seemed to flash by in a stomp of Baby Nik’s hooves and all of a sudden we find ourselves hurtling through the third month of the year. Already! January is typically the time that we’ll all set ourselves some big goals for the year. And as we set … Read more …

Two women cyclists talking at a cafe stop wearing Stolen Goat Kiko jerseys

Pay day top picks

It’s pay day weekend! And you know what that means… the perfect excuse to treat yourself to some #NewKitDay joy. Check out some of our top picks to see what’s new, what the rest of The Herd have been loving and what you might want to get in the bag for your next adventure!

Be part of our adventure: we’re crowdfunding!

At the start of the year, we asked if any of you would be interested in becoming part of our next chapter by getting involved if we were to start a crowdfunding campaign. We were blown away by your response, so we’re going ahead – giving our Herd community the chance to become part of our adventure.

man and woman running, the man is wearing the green long sleeved running top

A beginner’s guide to getting in to running

Struggling to enjoy your adventures on two hooves? If you’ve always wanted to take up running but never been able to get past that ‘this is bleating horrible, what was I thinking!?’ stage, we’ve got some top tips to help you get into running – and actually enjoy it!

Collage image Top image features two women in VeloVixen kit, resting on the top tube of their bicycles talking. The bottom image features a group of four cyclists wearing Stolen Goat kit - two men and two women. They are sitting at a picnic table talking.

The Goat, the Fox and the Cat: Exciting news from Stolen Goat HQ

We’re delighted to announce that we’re expanding our Herd, following the successful acquisition of VeloVixen and Wildcat. Sitting alongside Stolen Goat under our newly formed parent company – The Herd Group Holdings – the addition of these incredible brands gives us the opportunity to grow, elevate these platforms and take what we can offer our community of adventure-lovers to the next level.

Big Nik the white plush goat toy sitting on a wall

Valentine’s Day Gift Guide

Ditch the Valentine’s clichés this February 14th and shop our Valentine’s Day Gift Guide instead. Because nothing says “I think you’re kind of awesome” like a gift that gives them what they need to get out and Adventure More.

Man and woman running on beach in new stolen goat run kit

Introducing the new Stolen Goat Run collection

The NEW Stolen Goat Run collection has landed! Bringing comfort, performance and signature Stolen Goat style to your run sessions, the latest addition to our sportswear offering is here to help you Find Your Freedom and Adventure in more ways than ever before.

Two riders at the Chase the Sun North event, wearing the Stolen Goat x Chase the Sun jersey, riding away from the camera while giving a thumbs up

Chasing the sun: an interview with founder Olly Moore

Coast to coast. East to west. Sunrise to sunset. A challenge, an adventure… and ultimately an opportunity to savour and experience the freedom of travelling across a landscape on two wheels. Chase the Sun is an annual endurance event which sees riders cycle from sunrise to sunset on the longest day of the year. With … Read more …

man wearing durutti red black and white spot design jersey, riding towards the camera

Why you should try Zone 2 training

If you’re looking to improve your performance, considering adding some more Zone 2 training into your schedule might just be the key to unlocking more of your potential. Helping you to become a stronger, more efficient athlete, with less chance of getting injured. Sound good? Read on and we’ll explain a little more about what we’re bleating on about…

Trending in the sale

There’s only one week left to shop our winter sale! Check out our edit of what’s been trending in the sale to see what the rest of The Herd have been getting their hooves on.

Person lacing up trainers

Why cyclists should take up running

Thinking about swapping two wheels for two hooves on some of your weekly adventures? If you’re a pure cyclist, running might be something you’d only consider doing if you were late for your train… or being chased by something with teeth and claws. When you can zip around on your bike, why would you want … Read more …

Image of man and woman cycling towards camera wearing striped cycling jerseys, pink banner over the top reads shops the sale up to 60 percent off

Top picks from the winter sale

Our winter sale continues – now with up to 60% off! Check out Baby Nik’s sale favourites and treat yourself to that #NewKitDay feeling!

Josh Brandwene, Stolen Goat Brand Ambassador, wearing SG race team kit standing with his bike next to a road.

How to get stronger at cycling up hills

Love riding your bike but always find the climbs a bit of an uphill struggle? You’re not alone! Cycling coach and SG Brand Ambassador, Josh Brandwene, shares some top tips to help you embrace your inner mountain goat and improve your climbing.

VeloVixen liquidation

VeloVixen: A sad ending to an amazing story

Yesterday, VeloVixen announced the devastating news that they are now going into liquidation. In case this phrase is new to you, liquidation simply means that they cannot keep trading and are forced to sell (liquidate) all their assets to pay for any outstanding debts. We’ve worked with VeloVixen for a good 6+ years and they … Read more …

collage of Stolen Goat customers with white Stolen Goat logo over the top

Could you become part of Stolen Goat’s next chapter?

Are you interested in becoming part of Stolen Goat’s next chapter? As we look forward to the next 10 years of SG, we want to integrate our community into our journey. As such, we’re considering a round of investment this year. Find out more and express your interest…

how to turn your dreams into goals

How to Turn Your Dreams into Goals (and Actually Achieve Them!)

January is a great time to set your goals for the year and put plans in place. But knowing how to get started can feel a bit overwhelming. We’re here to help you choose your adventure and to guide you through the practical steps to get going. Are you ready to Find your Freedom in 2023?


Winter Sale Now On!

The Stolen Goat Winter Sale is now on, with up to 50% off some of our best-selling styles. Wish lists at the ready Herd!


Tim’s End of Year Review (2022)

They say you need to take the rough with the smooth. 2022 has been a year that I would definitely put firmly in the “rough” category. If all you do is look at the top line revenue/sales we have generated – then this is our second best year in our ten year history. But that … Read more …

Group of four cyclists wearing autumn/winter kit sat outside at a picnic bench laughing

2022 Bestsellers of the Year

2022 has seen you Goats being able to Find Your Freedom in Stolen Goat style in more ways than ever before as we expanded our offering this year. Check out our bestsellers of the year to see what the rest of The Herd have loved in 2022!

Stolen Goat blog - cost of living and cycling

2022 Best Bits

Well Herd, it’s safe to say 2022 has been a whirlwind year here at Stolen Goat! We’ve got plenty of exciting things coming up in 2023 that we can’t wait to start bleating about. But for now, we’re taking a look back at some of our highlights from the year just gone.

Woman and man in winter cycling kit sat on a log with bikes resting against a tree, talking

How to stay motivated during the winter months

When the temperature drops and the daylight hours dwindle, finding the motivation to get out and train can be tricky. But making time to get out and do what you love is vital for your physical and mental wellbeing. We share our top tips for staying motivated so you can Adventure More throughout the winter months.

winter bundle offers

Winter bundle deals: Save 20% on best-selling winter warmers

Get ready for those chilly miles with our all new winter bundle deals! Here to help you put together the ultimate cosy combinations to keep you warm and comfortable on all your winter adventures. Choose from our ultra-versatile Kiko kit, our freeze fighting Alpine range or treat yourself to one of our Adventure Down jackets … Read more …

snowy background, products in snow, central text reading for the cyclist that has everything

Christmas Gift Guide: For the cyclist who has EVERYTHING

Their cycling kit drawer is over flowing. They own more cycling gear than regular clothes. And when it comes to getting them the perfect Christmas gift, you know it has to be cycling related. But what can you get them that they haven’t already got? We’ve got you covered with our Christmas Gift Guide for the cyclist who already has everything.

Christmas Gift Guide: For the off-road adventurer

Does the cyclist in your life prefer to take the route less ridden? Our Christmas gift guide for mountain bikers and off-road riders has plenty of ideas so you can help them to stand out from the crowd while they’re tearing up the trails.

Ideal gifts for commuters

Christmas Gift Guide: For commuters

Here’s to the weekday warriors! The cycle commuting heroes, getting their daily slice of Freedom in the bag before the rest of the world wakes up. Our Christmas Gift Guide for cycle commuters has everything you need to brighten up their weekday mornings.

Christmas Gift Guide: For warm weather riders

If you’re living somewhere warm or you’re buying for someone who only tends to venture out when the weather is fair, our Gift Guide for warm weather riders has everything you need so they can ride out in comfort and style when the heat is on.

woman on bike wearing teal and pink striped Roxy jersey and black Epic bib shorts

How to recover from training setbacks

Whether it’s illness, injury or just life getting in the way… training setbacks happen, and the road back to fitness can feel long and frustrating. The good news is – you’re not alone! Check out our top tips for recovering from training setbacks, so you can get back to your best before you know it, and have a bit of fun along the way. We’ve got you, comeback kid – it’s time to get back in the saddle! 🐐

Beat the Chill: Winter Riding Tips

When it’s cold and bleak outside, motivating yourself to brave the elements and get out on your bike can be tough. But with some great winter cycling kit, the right preparation and a few handy tips in your jacket pocket – winter riding can really be something special.

Ready to rack up those chilly miles? Read on to find out how to make the most of your winter adventures.

woman and man stopped mid ride sitting on a fence talking and laughing

Beginners Guide: Essential Kit For Getting Started

So you’ve decided to take up road cycling? Excellent choice! When it comes to knowing what kit you need, getting started can feel a bit overwhelming. Particularly with so much kit out there and a whole bunch of jargon. Check out our beginners guide to essential bike gear to help you find the kit you need.

man wearing Giants jersey, woman wearing Kubrick jersey, enjoying a mid ride cafe stop

October Bestsellers

Colder temperatures are on the way and it looks like you Goats have been getting ready for them – with plenty of cosy kit and off-road gear heading out just in time for some wintery adventures. Check out our October bestsellers to see what the rest of The Herd have been getting their hooves on this month…

Man wearing blue and stripe Nasti Kiko jersey

Introducing AW22 In-Store Exclusives

There’s nothing quite like your local bike shop. And that’s why, this autumn, we’re launching a range of in-store exclusive cycling jerseys and jackets. Only available in store at Stolen Goat stockists.

Essential Off Season Kit

Hitting the trails or hitting the pool. Sweating it out on the turbo trainer, or getting out on the roads. The off season provides plenty of opportunities to try new things, test new limits and adventure in new ways… which is the ultimate excuse to treat yourself to some new kit! Whether you’re switching it … Read more …

Man riding bike wearing Villain Kiko jersey

The Ultimate Autumn Cycling Kit: The Stolen Goat Kiko Range

Take the guess work out of what to wear on the bike during the changeable autumn months. Water-resistant, wind-resistant and designed to keep you at the optimal temperature in a range of autumnal conditions. The Stolen Goat Kiko range is ultra-versatile cycling kit that will have you navigating weird between-seasons weather with ease.

Woman wearing Manta Kiko hoodie, black hoodie with red, gold, burgundy and blue block stripe across the centre of the chest.

New Kiko Manta Hoodies – Out Now!

Meet the new adventure-ready addition to your casual wardrobe. Our much-loved water resistant, wind resistant thermal Kiko hoodies are now available in our Manta design!

how to make the most of indoor training

Turbo Charge Your Training: How to Make the Most of Indoor Riding

Turbo training: love it or loathe it, more time on the indoor bike trainer becomes inevitable over the winter months if you want to hit those early season races strong next year. Nothing is ever going to beat the joy and the freedom of a ride in the real world. But with a few strategies in place, putting in the indoor miles can not only be hugely beneficial to your training – it can also be downright enjoyable.

Man in race team kit sticking his tongue out

Off-season adventures: how to have fun and get strong over the winter months

Triathlon off-season might seem like it’s all or nothing. Have fun and kick back, or work hard but just in a different way. But what if you could do both? What if you could spend the off-season having fun and going on adventures – in a way that will still hugely benefit you for next year’s races? Let’s do this…

Ophelie Saussus crossing the finish line at the Ironman World Championships in 2019

Top Tips for Racing at the Ironman World Championships

After a 2-year hiatus, the Ironman World Championships are back in Kona! Friend of Stolen Goat Ophelie Saussus, who will be racing at the world championships in Kona for the third time, shares her top tips for making the most of your time on the island and enjoying the race…

Man wearing Scooby tri suit crossing Ironman finish line

How to Run Strong Off the Bike

Triathlete, duathlete or just someone who likes to be first in line at the café stop: we can all agree that there’s nothing quite like that wobbly-legged sensation when you first shift from two wheels to two feet. Get some top tips for improving your run off the bike, ready for next year’s races.

man riding bike wearing Kubrick Kiko LS jersey

September Bestsellers

Autumn is on its way and you Goats have been getting ready for it! Check out our September Bestsellers below to see what the rest of The Herd have been getting in the bag recently.

winter pool sessions to level up your swim speed

Pool Sessions to Level-Up Your Swim Speed

For most of us triathletes, we know our swim needs work. But knowing we need to improve, and knowing what sessions to actually get in the pool and do are two different things. Tom Epton – triathlete and seriously speedy swimmer – shares some great pool sessions to help you up your game in the water.

Five Tips for Improving Your Swim

Looking to improve your swimming over the winter months? Dive into some top tips from early career pro triathlete and seriously speedy swimmer, Tom Epton.

split image of man in durutti jersey and woman in cortez jersey with text 'mix or match?' over the top

Mix or Match? AW22 accessories to suit your style

All matching everything, or clashing it up? Are you Team Matchy-Matchy, or a Mix It Up Maverick? Whatever your style, anything goes in this Herd! And we’ve got a whole bunch of accessories ready and waiting for you to mix and match with your AW22 kit.

goats chasing man on mtb wearing enduro jacket

NEW MTB Enduro Jacket

Introducing the all new hooded MTB Enduro Jacket. Designed for off-road adventures, this is a breathable, waterproof jacket that combines technical performance with casual style, perfect for cooler temperatures and drizzly days out on the trails.

Woman wearing Kiko Cortez jersey

How to Build Your Autumn Cycling Wardrobe

The prospect of continuing to go out on your bike through the autumn and winter months might sound a tad unappealing. But with the right gear, even the real “pea-souper” days can be downright enjoyable. Here’s our go-to guide for the essential autumn kit you’ll need to keep the good rides rolling as the seasons change.

woman in stolen goat tri suit riding time trial bike

How to beat the post-race blues

The summer race season is almost over! If you’ve been training hard and focusing on an event all year, it’s only natural that you might feel a little bit lost once it’s over. Check out our top tips for coping with the post-race blues…

Woman wearing Sane Ibex jersey holding toy goat

August Bestsellers

With autumn right around the corner, check out our August Bestsellers to see what the rest of The Herd have been loving recently. From the ‘wear it now, layer it later’ versatility of the Ibex range, to the optimal between-seasons performance of our Kiko range.

Man and woman in cycling kit sitting on a fence laughing

Prices, prices, prices

Putting up prices never feels like a great thing to do. Tim explains a little about how and why we came to this decision – which wasn’t taken lightly – and also how this will affect the RRP of older products that we are still selling on the site.

Man wearing Argyle jersey talking to another cyclist in men's Groove jersey, laughing

How to choose a cycling jersey

Find your perfect match with our ultimate guide to choosing a cycling jersey, where we shed some light on the benefits of wearing a jersey, the key features you’ll want to look out for and the differences between the ranges we offer.

Two cyclists in women's Kiko kit standing outside a shop with their bikes

Stolen Goat AW22 Collection – OUT NOW!

The NEW Stolen Goat Autumn/Winter collection is available now!
Stand-out style meets ready-for-anything performance. Designs you’ll love. Quality you can count on… This is a collection that will take your adventures to a whole new level.

Screen shot of still from video, man riding towards camera, with video play button over the top

AW22: Coming soon…

The Stolen Goat AW22 collection is launching soon. Check out the teaser video and find out how you can get early access…

Group of cyclists riding round a corner on a mountain road

Race Day Fuelling Tips

Got an event coming up? Check out our race day fuelling tips to help you nail your nutrition strategy and optimise your performance…