Posts Tagged: best sellers

stolen goat best sellers august 2021

Stolen Goat Best Sellers – August 2021

Stolen Goat Best Sellers – August 2021 It’s September tomorrow, can you believe it? The year has flown by. Usually, at this time of year, by now we would have launched our latest AW collection. Unfortunately, we’re running a little behind schedule. To all of those OG and well-versed GOATs out there… Thank you for … Read more …

stolen goats best sellers march 2019

Stolen Goat’s Best Sellers March 2019

Last month was a busy month for stolen goat, we launched our new Triathlon Collection at the beginning of the month which included new tri suit designs, and all new tri tops, tri shorts and swimming caps, plus another collection towards the end of the month, our first Gravel Collection. The Harris 19 jersey was … Read more …

stolen goat best sellers february 2019

Stolen Goat Best Sellers
// February 2019

Last month was a crazy month for weather, we saw all the extremes and everything in between, here in the UK. Sometime at the beginning of the month, we witnessed snow storms and then for a week… the complete opposite – highs of 22C with not a cloud in the sky. Am I going too … Read more …

november 2018 best sellers treat yourself this christmas

November 2018 Best Sellers
// Treat Yourself This Christmas

November 2018 best sellers As I write this blog it’s 24 days 13 hours and 15 minutes until Christmas! Do you think we’re excited?…. maybe…. Whether you enjoy Christmas or not, it’s coming and is right around the corner. If you’re thinking of gift ideas for yourself or for that cyclist in your life, look no further, … Read more …

october 2018 best sellers

October 2018 Best Sellers
// Christmas Gift Ideas?

October 2018 Another month over and we draw ever closer to Christmas and the New Year! Again, this month’s weather has been extremely variable and as I write this the sun is shining and it’s a nice day, a few days ago it was a different story. We’ve seen a significant decrease in temperature this past month, … Read more …

august 2018 best sellers the month of variable weather

August 2018 Best Sellers
// The Month Of Variable Weather

This month has been a strange one for weather. One day its nice, warm and the Sun is out, the next its cold and chucking it down…. Typical, fickle British weather. But, this shouldn’t stop you from getting out on the bike. Remember, we have a collection called Orkaan, designed especially for the Spring and Autumn…. and its … Read more …

david law a quick overview

David Law
// A Quick Overview

As one of the longest-running heatwaves in memory slowly starts to draw to a close, it’s time for an update from a recent addition to the herd, the official Stolen Goat product manager, a.k.a The Claw, or me, David Law. As the size of the herd increases annually, my role is to make sure the … Read more …

july best sellers

July’s Best Sellers
// See What’s Been Popular This Month

Feels like Summer has been and gone with the recent downpours we’ve experienced. However, It doesn’t look like it’s stopped the Herd from getting out on the bikes though. Thank you for tagging us in your photos on Instagram, It’s great to see you all. If you haven’t already followed us, make sure you do – … Read more …

the coffee adventure

Stolen Goat
// The Coffee Collection //

Yep, as the title suggests, stolen goat will be launching has just launched a coffee collection. It’s no surprise really…. cyclists and coffee go hand in hand like jam in doughnuts and French in fries? Maybe the last one wasn’t the best analogy but I’m hungry, anyway, we digress. Everyone at SG HQ loves a good coffee … Read more …

junes best sellers

June’s Best Sellers
// See What’s Hot

The sun is shining, the temperature is bliss, top it all off by treating yourself to this! ;-) Below you will find a list of our best selling garments from this month and remember, most of our jerseys are Limited Editions……Some of which are soon to sell out completely. Make sure you grab your favourites … Read more …

stolen goat x bioracer triathlon suits

Stolen Goat X Bioracer Triathlon Suits
// SS18

You asked…. We listened…. They’re here…. We’re proud to introduce our first ever Tri suit collection for Spring/Summer 2018. It has been a long time coming but our Tri suits are here and selling quickly (thank you all). When it comes to releasing new products we’re always super excited to see the reaction from the ‘herd’. As you … Read more …

stolen goat shorts comparison

Stolen Goat Shorts Comparison
// Ride In Comfort // Ride In Style

Need help choosing a new pair of bib shorts?…. Below is a comparison table outlining the differences in features between each of our shorts. We know it’s hard choosing the right bib short but it doesn’t need to be. We’ve got you covered! Pick your favourite now! Bodyline One Epic Orkaan £98.00 – £149.00 – £115.00 – … Read more …

stolen goat best selling april 2018

Stolen Goat Best Selling
// April 2018

In what feels like a blink of an eye we’re in the 5th month of the year…. almost halfway through!!! The weather has been extremely temperamental over the last four weeks and that has reflected in the types of garments sold. A real mixture of kit has left the SG warehouse, Orkaan jerseys and shorts, new EPIC bib … Read more …

best selling march

Our Best Selling Cycle Clothing in March
// 2018

Best Selling in March 2018 It’s been another great month for us so I wanted to start this post by expressing our gratitude for all your support. We love what we do, we love creating great kit and content that inspires your next adventure. So, thank you! We launched our SS18 collection early Feb and … Read more …

staff favourites

Staff Favourites From The Newly Launched SS18 Collection

Our SS18 collection was launched around this time last month. It’s too early to see which will be our best sellers for the season, it’s still very close. The Samurai jersey is leading for the men’s jerseys and Hypervelocity for the Women’s. Below is our very own – Staff Favourites….. Which are your faves?

ridelondon stolen goat

Who Wants To RideLondon
// Places Available Through RETHINK

Who wants to RideLondon? Did you miss out on a place for this years event?…. Worry not….. we could help with that! Our partner – Rethink, has 12 places available for SG subscribers, for the event this year in July. Ride London 100 – Special offer for anyone coming through StolenGoat – No reg fee … Read more …

jamie baigent a new goat joins the herd

Jamie Baigent
// A New Goat Joins The Herd

Jamie is new to the team, young and eager to learn, he has a strong passion for helping others and making sure everyone is happy. This is one of the many reasons we chose him and also why he’ll be looking after the customer service side of the business. Here’s a little about Jamie: My … Read more …

cycling holiday in spain

Cycling Holiday In Spain?
// Yes Please! // ALS Cycling

Towards the end of last year we wanted to soak in as much of the Sun as we could before the poor weather set in. So, we escaped to Murcia, here’s what happened. Murcia Trip 2017 The temperature has dropped and loathe to settle for the poor weather we decided to make for the Sunshine…. … Read more …

new year new you

New Year New You //

New Year New You – A term easier said than done, for some of us it may last a few weeks, for others, longer…. but ultimately we end up going back to our old ways because it’s what we know! Here’s some pointers on pushing on through… Brush The Dust Off The Bike Now is the … Read more …

last chance to order for christmas

Last Chance To Order For Christmas
// Don’t Leave It Too Late

For Uk Mainland customers the last chance to order for Christmas is Thursday 21st by 2pm and the only way to hopefully guarantee you receive your order is if you select ‘Next day delivery’. For International customers, we use DHL Air Express, it’s the fastest thing going so you should be good up until Friday 15th … Read more …

the all new orkaan jerseys for aw17

The New Orkaan Jerseys For AW17
// Ride Any Weather

At this time of year, many cyclists feel less inclined to get out on the bike during the season of unpredictable weather. stolen goat can’t do anything about the weather but…. we can offer our fellow cyclists a jersey that has great protection no matter the weather. Welcome to our Orkaan collection….. see the full … Read more …

stolen goat orkaan vs castelli gabba

Castelli Gabba vs Stolen Goat Orkaan

Castelli Gabba vs stolen goat Orkaan Ok, so, we frequently get asked how our Orkaan jersey compares with the Castelli Gabba so we thought we’d give you the low-down and let you decide for yourself. The Castelli Gabba, first to the scene, took the market by storm, it was the first water-resistant cycling jersey that … Read more …

octobers best selling cycle clothing

October’s Best Selling Cycle Clothing
// Christmas Gift Ideas….?

With October drawing to a close and the weather being all over the place this month it’s not surprising that most of the best sellers have been from the Orkaan collection. The Orkaan is designed for variable weather conditions, the garments are made from a water-resistant material which is wind-resistant and breathable also. Getting caught … Read more …

popular july see whats moving

Most Popular In July
// See What’s Been Moving!

With the Tour de France, hot weather and variable conditions, we’ve seen a wide variety of garments sold this month. See whats been selling and if you like something….. treat yourself! Get #KITDOPING Most Popular // July   More from the Blog //   Follow our adventures on Instagram //  

what is coolmax

What Is CoolMax
// The Features And Benefits Explained!

What is CoolMax? Coolmax is a specifically engineered fabric which is created from a blend of Polyester fibres. Designed to improve breathability compared with natural fibres.  A trademark of Invista (the world’s largest integrated fibre, resin and intermediates company), CoolMax was developed in 1986 by DuPont Textiles & Interiors (now Invista). The CoolMax fabric was originally … Read more …

most popular last month mays best selling

Most Popular Last Month
// May’s Best Selling

Most popular items in May The variable weather has seen a steady balance of sales across both hot and cold weather gear. Our Limited Edition summer jerseys and some of our Orkaan range have been the most popular! Summer is arguably the best time of year to be out and about riding….. so I hope … Read more …

this months best selling cycle clothing

This month’s best-selling cycle clothing

We’ve had a great month here at stolen goat, thank you all! Discover this month’s best-selling cycle clothing. The weather has been all over the place these past few weeks so we’ve seen a wide variety of cycle clothing sold. However, there have been a few popular sellers. If you haven’t already got one of these … Read more …