Well Herd, we made it to February! January always feels like a bit of a drag, but there’s something quite nice about ticking off the first month of the year. It’s a bit like ticking something off your to-do list: you’ve got started, and now you’ve got momentum.

So how’s your start to the year been? Whether you’ve hit the ground running, or given yourself the freedom to just take things one step – or bike ride – at a time, we hope you’re all doing well and finding time to escape the everyday grind now and then.

Here at Stolen Goat HQ, we’re busy trotting around getting things ready for the upcoming SS22 launch. Plus some extra new and exciting things that are on the horizon. It’s going to be a busy, but brilliant, few months – so you’re definitely going to want to make sure you Join The Herd and get on our newsletter list to be the first to hear what we’ve got planned for you!

But for now, check out our January bestsellers to see what the rest of The Herd have been loving…