When you run a small business, every day has the potential to bring something new to the table. Mostly this is because as the business owner you wear so many hats. It’s fair to say there is never a dull day at stolen goat HQ and the ever growing to-do list represents some fairly exciting projects in the very near future. More on that soon ;-)
In the early summer of this year, after completing an exhausting century ride one Sunday I was contacted by none other than Wiggle. We had started to put the feelers out in terms of wholesaling our range… I expected some uptake but not that the first bite would be from the UK’s largest cycling retailer. So needless to say it took me by surprise a little. But I was flattered and obviously excited.
As it turns out we had been on their radar for a while and so I went for a meeting to discuss working together. After presenting the range and talking about various logistics and policies it became clear that we could indeed work well together.
What followed was a whole heap of work.
Rightly so, Wiggle are very precious about conformity on their website. Pictures have to be just so, descriptions (that we supply) should be brimming with info and well… lets not go into the supply chain process. But I am delighted to announce that stolen goat has now well and truly been introduced to the Wiggle product offering.
What Does This Mean?
It has been in our roadmap this year to start to introduce our products to a number of retailers. This means we can open up the product offering to a wider audience and start to spread the message far and wide.
Wiggle obviously have access to a vast amount of web traffic. circa 8-10 million visitors a month in fact, Worldwide. So this is a great marketing opportunity for us.
Wiggle also offer good customer service relative to their size, something which is of highest priority to us. They can stock deeper than we can so it means you should always be able to buy the product you want. And they are also well situated to provide low cost shipping to the entire planet. Shipping to certain parts of the World is still mighty expensive for us.
But in short, nothing really changes in terms of the stolen goat website and offering. We will continue doing what we are doing… producing the best products we can at the right price and ensuring customer service is top priority.
Wiggle, and in fact any retailer – will never have the full stolen goat range, so if you want access to it all, and early access – make sure you are on the newsletter and dialled in.
We are also looking for (and speaking to) a number of physical shops in the UK so that you can try on the product range before buying. Watch this space, but it’s an exciting time for our growing company.
As always, thank you for your continued support. If you’d like to see the stolen goat offering on wiggle you can find it all right here…
stolen goat on wiggle >>If you’re interested in becoming a stockist then please read here for more.