When we first decided to create and launch our own cycling kits we set two clear goals to achieve…
- The kit needed to be without question above and beyond in terms of quality and performance
- The kit needed to be sensibly priced.
To achieve this we needed to alter the business model for the typical route to market for cycling kit… no wholesale and no distribution. This meant we could pay top dollar for good quality garments and still keep the price lean and keen. The hope was that the kit would take off and our buying power would grow meaning that margins would start to open up for us.
Roll on a year and we are extremely pleased with the progress. Customers and press seem to appreciate the quality, performance, styling and value that we offer. Wholesale margins are now starting to open up for us but we’re a long way off distribution.
But customer service remains our key metric for growth and we want everyone to experience the kits that we have on offer.
So, whilst we can’t discount the product any-more and expect to stay in business… we can now offer kit bundle deals to help boost the value of the garments even further. Hopefully this will mean that you no longer have to choose which one to buy, you can buy a couple.
No discount codes required, simply head on over to the Bundle Deals page to see the selection…