What a cracking weekend!!!

First off, let me give kudos and credit to Tim & Dave Morel – you guys made it a truly enjoyable experience and without a doubt the most fun I’ve ever had at a show before – thank you. Thank you also to Emily for your help and unique understanding of the word Pastry, next time we’ll just ask for Doughnuts :-p

The Festival of Cycling in Yorkshire was great fun and a thoroughly hectic weekend. Travelling there and back, camping, exhibiting, riding bikes and sampling local beverages certainly takes its toll on one’s finely tuned body but it was definitely worth it.

I confess, I was worried that the rain on Friday and Friday night was going to turn it into a horrific mud-fest but the Sun came out just as Will and Kate emerged…

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Shortly after that the Tour rolled through in all its finery and then the red arrows blazed over…

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At which point the Festival really kicked into action and our bijout marquee was basically packed out for 4-5 hours solid. We met some cracking individuals. One of my favourite was the lovely lady who bought something from us at our very first show two years ago when we had just launched – she came back and bought something else. She truly is our oldest customer (without being remotely old at all).

It was lovely to meet existing and new customers so thank you to anyone and everyone who came to say hello. Our new jerseys (to be launched imminently) were very well received – this makes me really happy. This charming couple bought one each…


This is the red version of our Cafe Racer Jersey, we have 6 other styles to choose from! Oh yes folks you are in for a real treat.

Behind all the exhibitor action at the show was a huge area for the army to play in. And play they did. I thought it was a bit of a shame that these guys were tucked out of the way a little bit because the equipment they had was really cool. And they seemed to be having fun in their “downtime”…

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Post Show Ride

After the joy of the Grand Depart and the despair of the Cavendish crash we took to Harrogate on our own bikes to take a look at the finish line. I must find a way to get myself in these pictures…

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Sunday Blues

Sunday was without a doubt a much more mellow affair but it was a really nice vibe and the atmosphere was somehow still there. A lot of interesting characters popped in that day including the ultra stylish gent on his orange Penny Farthing who bought an orange musette of course (main image at top) and none other than twitter cycling celebrity Super Cycling Man, who turns out to be a genuinely awesome chap…

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All in all, it was a great event and we are suffering from post show blues a little here. Big praise goes to all the folks who turned out to line the streets, the atmosphere was incredible and it really was a weekend for British cycling fans to feel proud. Chapeau Yorkshire, here’s to hoping the Tour de France returns to this great nation sometime soon.